Display a gallery |
<!--**************************************--> <!-- parser.getGallery(page,1,210,210) |
Link to another page |
<a href="{{ pages['contact.html'].content.href }}">{{pages['contact.html'].content.name}}</a> <!-- pages['contact.html'].content.name : the name variable is not modifiable by the client, only by the CMS admin Depending on the context, you could also use the h1 of the target page or any other field : --> <a href="{{ pages['contact.html'].content.href }}">{{pages['contact.html'].content.h1}}</a> |
Use Section Data |
<p>{{s.brandname}}</p> <--
The anchor with the data-mailcrypt attribute will be transformed into a mailto:client@client.com anchor
{{ parser.emailcrypt(s.email) }} will echo an "encrypted" version of the email
the class .p9mailcrypt will make the cms JS decrypt the email, and set the href attribute to "mailto:client@client.com"
The encryption is really simple, it's just to prevent bot harvesting.
Basic Example |
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- section.config contains the default zoom and point to position the google map section.points contains 1 or many article.point Each point will be added on the map, and each one can be made clickable by including an aside.infowindow --> |
Basic Example |
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- When sending, |
__mailclient.html |
<!-- this file is used with the contact form, please read the documentation of both entries --> <!--New 2014 november design bellow--> <!-- The templating language use in the file is an old proprietary language, you dont have to learn how to use it, just copy paste the code ! --> |
TextBloc, RichBloc, Image |
<!--You can declare these variables anywhere on the page, as long as they are within the <body></body> tag ! Usually, choose to initialize them in the beginning of the page --> <p9 name="mytextbloc"><!--wcms/textbloc/1--></p9> |
Listing |
<section> <!-- Note the need of the / in the template name, it s bug and will be fixed soon so that both way works with and without the first slash --> <!-- Si la page de "détail" d'un groupe ne doit pas s'afficher, voilà le code a mettre sur le page : <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL={{pages['tarifs.html'].content.href}}"> --> |
example |
Si la page est renomé dans le CMS (exemple la page s'appel a-propos.html sur le serveur et on la renomme en qui-sommes-nous via le champs URL), il faut appelé la richlist comme ça : {%for entry in parser.getRichList(pageconfig.filename,1)%} {%endfor%} |
exemple |
{{ s['social-facebook'] }} {{ s['social-twitter'] }} {{ s['social-google+'] }} {{ s['social-linkedin'] }} <ul class="list-inline"> {% if s['social-facebook'] %} |
Tools |
<!--Activation d'un datepicker simple--> <script> $(function(){ |
Create a syntax highliter |
Create a richlist for another page |
<div> |
Variables custom |
<!--Exemple d'utilisation--> <div class="formulaire hidden" data-paypal="@post.custom_fields.code_paypal@"> Préparation en BDD bdd : wcms table : blog_customfields ajouter une entrée pour le blog id concerné(ne psa oublier de faire EN/FR si necessaire) et le champs apparaitra sur le CMS en version client(les champs custom n'apparaissent pas connecté en admin) |